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We spent a much-deserved day of rest in San Antonio the day before we embarked for College Station. We played music around the house, walked through several old cemeteries located next door, ate Mexican food, and played video games. It was a glimpse of what life could be like if we all lived together in some dorm style apartment. Fleeting but wonderful. Like a 24-hour acid trip.

We hit the road the next day, stopping in Bastrop to kill some time. Half of us at a Starbucks, and half of us at a state park. We knew it was going to be a long ass day because we decided not to book a place to stay for a night in College Station, electing instead to make the drive into Houston after our gig. This would prove to be a poor decision. Already exhausted, each of us were experiencing the symptoms of burn out, sleep deprivation, over caffeinating, and general malaise in our own fun little way. Times like these are usually when you dig deep and remember why you started. But we were all pretty afraid that we had nothing left in the tank to dig into. The 101 may kill us.

It all changed though once the music started. It’s a crazy thing, when you have nothing left to turn to, you can always turn towards the music to power through. Our set went great, and the drive back was made in one piece. Some blood, sweat, and vomit was shed, but we arrived in mid-city Houston by around 2AM to find a wonderful spot on the floor of Alex’s brothers’ condo to call bed for the night.

Bryan was…I cannot really remember. We killed time having a picnic in the sun at TAMU. We went to check out Northgate to see what that was all about. We tried to rustle up some interest but found it mostly deserted as the campus was on spring break.


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